23/24 new season Arsenal Premier league match schedule

When will the first Arsenal 23/24 new season match date will be? and who we are going to compete with this time?

First of all the first match will start from August 12th, 2023. Fortunately Arsenal is starting home game with Nottingham Forest. Arsenal is comparatively considered as stronger team than Nottingham Forest so Gunners should win this game making some good amount of goals.

In August, Arsenal have 3 games waiting ahead. 2 home games starting with Nottingham Forest and Fullham. One away game with Crystal Palance on 19th August.

All 3 games in August which Arsenal is competing is not strong big 4 team so hopefully they can get 9 points from those 3 teams and also making 3 clean sheet games.

  • 12 Nottingham Forest H
  • 19 Crystal Palace A
  • 26 Fullham H

In September, Arsenal game is getting more interesting. Starting with traditional competitor from Arsene Wenger and Sir Alex Fergurson team Manchester united. This is going to be the first difficult match but Arsenal still need to get this game since its the home game. Arsenal has been considered as weak at the beginning of the league but thats also the old time stories. After this game following with Everton Away game which wont be super easy as well since they almost experienced competing not to fall down to 2nd devision, they would fight back hard. Next game will be north London derby with Tottenham spurs. This will occur in September 23rd with the home game in Emirates Stadium. Emirates stadium is located in Hornsey Rd, London N7 7AJ in case you want to know where it is. September last game will be with Bournemouth away game. Arsenal should get the most points as much since the schedule is very good for the gooners.

  • 02 Manchester United H
  • 16 Everton A
  • 23 Tottenham Spurs H
  • 30 Bournemouth A

In October, there is only 3 games but the most important game is waiting for Arsenal. Machester City home game in October 7th. Gooners all acknoledges that Machester city away game is a bit difficult to get a easy win but arsenal need to win the home game for sure so they will do whatever they can for this game. Next is Chelsea Away game and Sheffield United Home game.

  • 07 Manchester City H
  • 21 Chelsea A
  • 28 Sheffield United H

In November, Arsenal is competing with 3 teams. Newcastle united, Burnley and Brentford. Newcastle united will be in the champions league and they are very strong in premier league now. Since its the away game and they are very good at defense, it will be hard for Arsenal to get many goals but need to get 3 points from their St. James’ Park. For me, newcastle united reminds me one player, Jack Colback with Ginger hair. His hair reminds me the orange that i am eating every morning.

  • 04 Newcastle United A
  • 11 Burnley H
  • 25 Brentford A

In December, not only the Arsenal but all the premier league teams will suffer a lot since there is crazy amount of games waiting for them at least 2 matches in a week. Teams who is attending european league matches will have more than 8~9 matches in a month so this time every team should be aware of the injury than getting more points. Of course getting a lot of points and nobody gettiing injured will be the perfect future but this need to be balanced. Luton Town which has been promoted to premier league this time will have match with Arsenal the first time. All the matches will be tough but the toughest might be with Liverpool away game.

  • 02 Wolves H
  • 05 Luton Town A
  • 09 Aston Villa A
  • 16 Brighton & HA H
  • 23 Liverpool A
  • 26 West Ham United H
  • 30 Fulham A

In January, after this Chirstmas Boxing day and new years, there will be only 2 games for Arsenal. Meeting Crystal palace again in our home Emirates stadium. At this point Arsenal have competed with all the teams once so need to maintain the squad and start to find the counterpart’s weakness.

  • 13 Crystal Palace H
  • 30 Nottingham Forest A

In February Arsenal has only 16 matches left so they will need to focus more on getting 3 points from each matches. Liverpool and Newcastle united match is waiting but its in Emirates stadium so Arsenal will have to get 6points from these two games

  • 03 Liverpool H
  • 10 West Ham United A
  • 17 Burnley A
  • 24 Newcastle United H

In March Arsenal having 4 games but at this point everyone will be anticipating how many games are left and how much points Arsenal need to get to stay at the first position. If Arsenal can get 9~10 points in Mach they will be #1 in 23/24 season i am pretty sure.

  • 02 Sheffield United A
  • 09 Brentford H
  • 16 Chelsea H
  • 30 Manchester City A

In April, Arsenal will have 5 games. Arsenal might be competing in quarterfinals with some team from Germany or Spain high likely in the championsleague so this will be tough but to get the league trophy is also very important. I would expect Arsenal getting 12 points in April to finish the competition with Manchester city early

  • 02 Luton Town H
  • 06 Brighton & HA A
  • 13 Aston Villa H
  • 20 Wolves A
  • 27 Tottenham Hotspur A

In May, every single game Arsenal need to enjoy and celebrate since we got the first place ahead. Manchester united game will the most exciting game at the last point to have a lot of goals with each teams

  • 04 Bournemouth H
  • 11 Manchester United A
  • 19 Everton H

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